Siren Bid Public Notice

Siren Bid Public Notice

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Public Notice

Advertisement For Bid

Sealed bids for the Community Outdoor Warning Siren Project will be received by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, until 2:00pm on Friday, July 14,2023

On Monday, July 17, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. during the Board of 

Commissioners work session the sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Cook County Board of Commissioners Conference Room, located at 1200 S. Hutchinson Avenue, Adel, Georgia 31620


Cook County Board of Commissioners are seeking proposals to provide professional consulting, planning, and implementation of the Cook County Community Outdoor Warning Siren Project. The County invites responses to the Request of Proposals (RFP) from qualified vendors interested in providing a turnkey Outdoor Warning System. 

Specifications may be downloaded from Cook County’s website at or a copy obtained from the County Administration Building, 1200 S. Hutchinson Ave., Adel, GA 31620


Submit bids to: 

Randy Lane 

County Manager 

1200 S. Hutchinson Avenue 

Adel, Georgia 31620 


Cook County Board of Commissioners has the right to waive any 

informalities in the bid and to reject all bids








Contact Person

Randy Lane, County Manager 


RFP/BID #2023-06-0001 Purchase and Installation of Thirteen (13) Warning Sirens within Cook County

ISSUE DATE: January 23, 2023, Federal Emergency Management Agency awarded Cook County, Georgia a Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). This grant will be used to purchase and install thirteen (13) warning sirens. The Board of Commissioners of Cook County, Georgia, solicits competitive sealed proposal bids from qualified vendors to purchase and install thirteen (13) warning sirens located at strategic locations throughout Cook County, Georgia. 

Proposals will be received until 2 p.m. on Friday, July14,2023 in the Cook County Board of Commissioners office located in the Cook County Administrative Building, 1200 S. Hutchinson Avenue, Adel, Georgia 31620. Any proposal received after this time and date will not be accepted. A public bid opening will be held at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, July 17,2023, in the Cook County Board of Commissioners Conference Room, located at 1200 S. Hutchinson Avenue, Adel, Georgia 31620. All contract procurement shall be conducted in a manner providing full and open competition in compliance with State and local procurement regulations. Cook County, Georgia and its contractors/vendors hired for this project shall comply with all Federal, State, and local regulations. 1. Questions regarding this proposal should be addressed to Mr. Randy Lane, County Manager, Cook County Board of Commissioners by calling 229-896- 2266, Ext:1225 no later than five (5) working days prior to bid opening date. The County reserves the right to hold a pre-proposal conference (if needed). Any follow-up questions from a pre-proposal conference shall be made in writing and shall be answered accordingly in writing. Questions requiring written information must be submitted no later than ten (10) working days prior to the bid opening date and mailed to Cook County Commission, Attention: County Manager, 1200 S. Hutchinson Avenue, Adel, GA 31620. Telephone inquiries must be made between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. eastern standard time Monday through Friday. Proposals must be typed or submitted in black ink. All proposals must include the original copy of the official proposal form, non-collusion statement, and any supporting documentation. Proposals should be enclosed in a sealed envelope or container with the following information clearly marked on the outside of the envelope or container. 






DUE DATE: FRIDAY, JULY 14,2023 AT 2:00 P.M.


If by courier or hand delivery: 

Cook County Board of Commissioners 

Attention: Randy Lane, County Manager 

Cook County Administrative Building 

1200 S. Hutchinson Avenue, Adel, GA 31620 


If by U.S. Mail

Cook County Board of Commissioners 

Attention: Randy Lane, County Manager 

1200 S. Hutchinson Avenue, Adel, GA 31620 

Proposals received after the announced time and date due, whether mailed or delivered, will be returned unopened. Nothing herein is intended to exclude any responsible vendor or in any way restrain or restrict competition among vendors. Selection criteria will include an evaluation of the scope of services proposed, experience, references, and price. Vendors are encouraged to be specific as to their understanding of the task to be performed and their proposed procedures for implementation. The Board of Commissioners of Cook County, Georgia reserves the right to award in part or in whole or to reject any or all proposals, to waive technicalities or require additional information prior to award. Enclosed is a “Proposal Requirement and Non-Collusion Statement” that shall be signed and returned with the proposal. 




  1. Awards shall be made on the proposal that best meets the needs of Cook County, Georgia (hereafter referred to as “County”) for specifications, cost, and compatibility. 
  2. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The right is also reserved to waive any minor irregularities in this bid, and to award the bid to the bidder whose offer is most advantageous to the County from the standpoint of suitability to purpose, quality of service, previous experience, and price, and to accept the bid that is in the best interests of the County. 
  3. Minimum specifications are designed as a requirement of the bid. Minimum specifications are outlined to provide for a particular need or use by the County and are not meant to eliminate any vendor. If a particular minimum specification is unable to be met by the vendor, then the bidder, prior to the opening of the bid, shall contact the Cook County Manager in writing to determine if a particular specification may be altered or accepted. 
  4. The bidder hereby declares that all statements and representations made in the bid proposal are true and correct and are made under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Georgia. 
  5. Insurance coverage for proposed services shall include general liability and workers’ compensation, which shall include automobile liability insurance in a combined single limit of not less than $1 million dollars, unless specified otherwise in the specifications. 
  6. The selected firm shall provide, within 10 days after the notice of award is issued, a copy of their existing liability insurance certificate naming Cook County, Georgia and its officers and employees as an additionally named insured on said policies. Such insurance coverage shall be maintained in full force and effect for the duration of the Contract and must be in a form satisfactory to the County. 
  7. Bid bonds, payment bonds and performance bonds shall be required on all projects over $50,000 and may be required on contracts over $20,000 at the discretion of the County Commissioners. Bid bonds or proposal guarantees must be five percent of the bid price. 
  8. Contractors must provide Cook County with a payment bond and a performance bond in the amount of the bid on all Road Contracts over $5,000. The Contractor must provide Cook County with proof of sufficient General Liability in the County’s name to protect against all claims for personal or property damage(s).
  9. The vendor will provide references, including current clients
  10. The vendor will be asked to sign an agreement that substantially includes all of the specifications in this proposal. 
  11. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 36-60-13 – Multiyear lease, purchase, or lease purchase contracts – each county or municipality in this state shall be authorized to enter multiyear lease, purchase, or lease purchase contracts of all kinds for the acquisition of goods, materials, real and personal property, services, and supplies, provided that any such contract shall contain provisions for the following: 
    1. The contract shall terminate absolutely and without further obligation on the part of the county or municipality at the close of the calendar year in which it was executed and at the close of each succeeding calendar year for which it may be renewed as provided in this Code section.
    2. The contract may provide for automatic renewal unless positive action is taken by the county to terminate such contract, and the nature of such action shall be determined by the county specified in the contract
    3. The contract shall state the total obligation of the county for the calendar year of execution and shall further state the total obligation which will be incurred in each calendar year renewal term, if renewed; and 
    4. The contract shall provide that title to any supplies, materials, equipment, or other personal property shall remain in the vendor until fully paid for by the county or municipality. 
  12. Provider acknowledges and agrees to comply with the requirements of O.C.G.A. § 13-10-90 and 13-10-91. Provider further agrees to use the federal work authorization program commonly known as E- Verify or any subsequent replacement program, throughout the term of this agreement, and that the Provider will execute the Contractor Affidavit adopted by the State of Georgia and other such affidavits or other documents as may reasonably be required to comply with the terms of this statute. 
  13. All Contractors must execute a written oath stating that they have not unlawfully restricted competitive bidding on the project. (See form on page 5 of this packet) 





The undersigned party hereby proposes the following costs associated with the purchase and installation of thirteen (13) outdoor warning sirens located at strategic locations throughout Cook County, GA

See attached specification guide for the purchase and installation of thirteen (13) community outdoor warning siren




Cook County, Georgia will be accepting competitive proposals for the purchase and installation of thirteen (13) electronic, radio controlled, community outdoor warning sirens, NWS based automatic activated siren software, and (1) control station. 


  1. Bidders must offer an omni-directional design with 360° coverage. The siren must be a 3600-Watt siren.
  2. The siren system shall be an Electronic Siren System featuring at least seven (7) warning tones: Wail, Attack, Alert, Hi/Lo, Pulsed Airhorn, Slow Whoop, and Noon Test. Timing duration for each tone shall be selectable, and shall include 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds, 3 minutes, or up to five (5) minutes. 
  3. The siren assembly and mounting bracket shall weigh no more than 400 lbs. maximum atop the pole, and shall be able to sustain and operate in winds up to 100 mph. 
  4. The siren system shall consist of a pole top mounted speaker cluster, full Omni-Directional No Flared Horn Design and thirteen (13) compartment siren case assembly. 
  5. The speaker cluster assembly shall be equipped with 400-watt speaker drivers and 50′ of speaker cable. It shall be designed to project uniform acoustic output throughout 360°, ± 1 dB, out and away from the speaker in a vertical dispersion pattern, thus minimizing potentially environmentally hazardous ultrasonic signals in the area adjacent to the pole location. The peak output of the siren must be able to converge at one point at the 100 ft reference distance. The speaker assembly shall be fabricated from composite material, thus requiring no maintenance painting. 
  6. The siren case assembly, or electronics cabinet, shall consist of a two (2) compartment, natural finish aluminum housing, and shall not require maintenance painting. The upper compartment shall contain all the necessary electronic assemblies for control and operation of the system; the lower compartment houses the batteries for the system. 
  7. Each siren shall operate on a 24 VDC power supply system provided by two (4) 12-volt, deep cycle, DC batteries wired in series. The battery system shall be maintained by a temperature compensated battery charger operating from a 120V, 5 Amp AC power source. A Delta LA 302, or equivalent, lightning arrestor shall be installed on the primary side of the service disconnect.
  8. In the event of AC power loss, each siren shall be capable of up to twenty (20) minutes of continuous operation, or several days of intermittent use of brief siren signals before recharging the batteries is necessary.
  9. The siren shall be controlled and activated by radio, utilizing DTMF encoding controls. Two-way radio communication between the siren and Base Station shall include remote status reporting and operational verification from each siren unit. The vender provided base station and siren radio, must communicate with Cook County’s communication system. 
  10. Vendor will provide a turnkey system to Cook County, complete with wiring diagrams, schematics, and operational and installation instructions. The County will bear the cost of providing AC power up to the pole location. 
  11. Class 1, 60 ft. wooden poles will be used for mounting each siren and control equipment. 
  12. All proposals shall include shipping freight charge. 
  13. All proposals shall include costs for installation, startup, and operational and system training. 
  14. Vendor shall deliver all sirens within (75) days of bid acceptance. Complete installation and verifiable compatible operation of all sirens will be completed within (45) days of siren delivery. 
  15. The seller must warrant the siren equipment from the date of installation for a period of not less than two (3) years for defects in components and parts, and for an additional period of three (3) years for no more than $75.00 per module. 


  1. The Siren Activation Computer must meet the follow minimal requirements: 
    1. Hardware a. System must be provided as a complete hardware software combination
    2. PC hardware shall be commercial of the shelf and easily replaceable. 
    3. All equipment must have a minimum 3year warranty. 
    4. Siren interface controller hardware must be included in the interface to landline or radio
    5. Siren interface controller must have independent power supply. 
    6. The Siren interface controller allows for a single command via toggle switch to be sent through the communications channel to the siren system. This command operates independently of the software in the event of a software/PC failure. 
  2. Software Minimum Requirements 
    1. Activates DTMF or Two Tone based outdoor warning sirens. 
    2. Full diagnostic feedback from sirens to include AC voltage, amp/driver failure, low battery alarm and cabinet intrusion alarm
    3. Automatic or manual activation of siren or sirens based upon National Weather Service 
    4. NWS polygon data should be capable of activating sirens specifically within the polygon, siren groups within the polygon or all sirens within the system. Activation should be easily switchable between automatic and manual. 
    5. All call, group, or single siren activation 
    6. Send weather information to Facebook, Twitter, email, and SMS text g. Send activation notice to email and SMS
    7. Unlimited call key creation. On the fly activation via user defined polygon or circle 
    8. Live public address 
    9. Wav files over live PA 
    10. Interface to landline or conventional radio system. 
    11. Automatic activation based on scheduled events. 
    12. Ability to repeat call key until weather event expires. 
    13. Map based upon standard shape file format. 
  3. Maintenance and Support 
    1. 12 months of 24/7 telephone tech support

INTENT These specifications are not intended to include any proprietary items, components, circuits, or devices which would preclude any outdoor siren manufacturer from producing equipment to meet these specifications. All ratings, power outputs, and specific criteria are currently being met by commercially available equipment. The fact that a manufacturer chooses not to (or perhaps is unable to) produce equipment to meet these specifications, providing the above criteria are met, will not be sufficient cause to adjudge these specifications as restrictive


  1. 100-Watt Compression Drivers will not be accepted as an approved equal. 
  2. Painted steel cabinets to house the siren electronics will not be accepted as an approved equal. 
  3. Siren head assemblies fabricated from any material other than corrosion resistant composition material will not be accepted as an approved equal. 
  4. Any primary AC power source other than single phase 120 VAC will not be accepted as an approved equal. 
  5. Any encoding/decoding system other than DTMF signaling will not be accepted as an approved equal. 6. A flared speaker design will not be accepted as an approved equal. 


Cook County Board of Commissioners are seeking proposals to provide professional consulting, planning, construction, and implementation of the Cook County Community Outdoor Warning Siren. The County invites responses to the Request for Proposals (RFP) from qualified vendors interested in providing a turn-key Outdoor Warning System with thirteen (13) Speakers. 

For more information Email Randy Lane, County Manager at 

Thank you

Randy Lane 

County Manager 

Cook County Board of Commissioners has the right to waive any informalities in the bid and to reject all bids
