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Public Notice

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Sealed bids for the Cook County EMS Service will be received by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, until 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 21, 2023. On Monday, August 7, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. during the Board of Commissioners work session the sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Cook County Board of Commissioners Conference Room, located at 1200 S. Hutchinson Avenue, Adel, Georgia 31620.

Project Description

Cook County Board of Commissioners are seeking proposals to provide professional consulting, planning, and implementation of the Cook County EMS Advanced Life Support/Basic Life Support ambulance response for 911 emergency calls within Cook County, Georgia.

Bid packets may be downloaded on Cook County’s website at or obtain a copy from the Cook County Administrative Office located at 1200 S. Hutchinson Avenue, Adel, Georgia 31620.

Submit bid to:

Randy Lane

County Manager

1200 S. Hutchinson Avenue Adel, Georgia 31620




Request for Proposal (RFP) for Ambulance Services for Cook County Board of Commission, Cook County Georgia

Issue Date: June 28, 2023

Submission Due Date:

Friday, July 21, 2023, by 4:00p.m.

Cook County Board of Commission 1200 S. Hutchinson Ave.

Adel, GA 31620

Randy Lane, County Manager

229-896-2266 (ext. 1225)

Section – Introduction

The purpose of this document is to establish an exclusive contract for the provision of Advanced Life Support/Basic Life Support ambulance response for 911 emergency calls within Cook County, Georgia.

Submittal Costs and Confidentiality

All expenses for preparing and submitting responses are the sole cost of the party submitting the response. The County is not obligated to any party to reimburse such expenses. All submittals upon receipt become the property of the County. Labeling information provided in submittals “proprietary” or “confidential,” or any other designation of restricted use will not protect the information from public view. Subject to the provisions of the Open Records Act, the details of the proposal documents will remain confidential until final award.

Award Conditions

This request is not an offer to contract or a solicitation of bids. This request and any proposal submitted in response, regardless of whether the proposal is determined to be the best proposal, is not binding upon the County and does not obligate the County to procure or contract for any services. Neither the County nor any party submitting a response will be bound unless and until a written contract mutually accepted by both parties is negotiated as to its terms and conditions and is signed by the County and a party containing such terms and conditions as are negotiated between those parties. The County reserves the right to waive non-compliance with any requirements of this Request for Proposal and to reject any or all proposals submitted in response. Upon receipt and review of responses, the County will determine the party(s) and proposal that in the sole judgment of the County is in the best interest of the County (if any is so determined), with respect to the evaluation criteria stated herein. The County then intends to conduct negotiations with such party(s) to determine if a mutually acceptable contract may be reached and while doing so may use ideas expressed in any proposal.

Evaluation of Submittals and Qualifications

Evaluation of submittals and firms’ qualifications will be conducted by a committee consisting of various project stakeholders. Based upon the predetermined rating criteria contained in the RFQ, the committee will assign a composite rating to the deliverables of each statement of qualifications and proposal submitted. Proposers understand and accept that by responding to this solicitation they are willingly participating in a process that consists to some degree of subjectivity on the part of selection committee members in determining the firm(s) capable of providing the best overall solution.


All communication regarding this RFP process shall be directed to the County Manager for this project. Any firm attempting to interfere with the selection process such as communication with one or more Board members or parties affiliated with Board members to influence their judgement will be permanently disqualified from consideration.

Randy Lane

County Manager

(229) 896-2266 (ext. 1225)


Proposals must be received by Friday, July 21, 2023, at 4:00pm.

Board of Commission (BOC) opens bids on Monday, August 7, 2023 at 5:00p.m.

Section – Scope of Work and Practices

Provides a brief description of the project and list of services and products requested that, while not comprehensive or complete in nature, will provide the Cook County BOC with proposals that can be easily compared.

It is the intent to ultimately enter into an agreement with the Ambulance Service that ensures the prescribed services be available on a 24-hour a day basis, seven (7) days a week, and 365 days per year.

Background and Service Area

Cook County is approximately 233 square miles with a population of 17,229. Within the boundaries of Cook County are the cities of Adel, Sparks, Lenox, and Cecil. The territory consists of both municipal and rural areas. All 911 calls placed in Cook County are currently answered by the Cook County 911 Dispatch Center. The Center then dispatches the appropriate agency. The 911 center does not have Emergency Medical Dispatch capabilities.

Call Data for period of June 1, 2022, to June 1, 2023

Total Calls: 2950

Treated, transported: 2126

Primary receiving facilities: SGMC- 887

Tift Regional/Southwell- 1131

Ambulance service responsibilities

It is expected that any potential Ambulance Service will be duly licensed and meet and/or exceed all professional and/or legal standards of licensing as an Emergency Medical Service provider in the State of Georgia. Ambulance Service provider shall be knowledgeable of and familiar with EMS rules, regulation and laws as promulgated by the State of Georgia, Department of Public Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma prior to responding to this RFP.

This will be a performance-based contract. Evaluations will be performed monthly for the first six (6) months, then annually for the length of the contract. A performance bond must be obtained by the provider prior to the signing of the contract.

A contract will be entered into with the awarded Ambulance service for an initial period of one year and may be renewed at the sole discretion of the County for up to two (2) additional (1) year terms upon written agreement of the parties.

The Ambulance Service must provide and pay for all administration, insurance, professional expertise, labor, materials, vehicles, and equipment necessary to respond to all emergency calls referred to the Ambulance Service by the County. It is requested that the EMS Provider have a physical base of operations located within the boundaries of Cook County on a 24-hour, 7 day a week, 365 days a year basis.

Each ambulance put in service for coverage will have at least one paramedic level provider and one other provider, licensed to respond to 911 calls as allowed by the Rules of the Department of Public Health, Chapter 511-9-2.

The Ambulance service will meet or exceed executing a nine (9) minute response time for 85-90 percent of all 911 responses in Cook County. 90 second in route time for a unit from the time 911 call comes in, and 20 minute or less turnaround time from receiving facility.

This also includes sending an ambulance to all structure fires, requests during a disaster or when severe inclement weather conditions exist.

The Ambulance Service will participate in and are to subject to any Mutual Aid agreements as directed by the BOC.

Insurance Provisions

The Ambulance provider shall maintain at its expense, professional liability, and commercial general liability insurance in an amount equal to at least $1,000,000 for each claim and at least $2,000,000 in aggregate; workers’ compensation insurance, with limits of not less than the statutory required limits for workers’ compensation in the state of operation; auto liability insurance in customary amounts, and professional liability insurance in customary amounts. Such insurance shall name Cook County as an Additional Insured and shall not be cancelable except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the County.

Required Meetings

The Ambulance Service shall provide representatives to meet with BOC officials as may be requested, for the purpose of reviewing system issues and Ambulance Service performance. The BOC agrees to give reasonable notice of such meetings.

Furthermore, the Ambulance service shall attend all required meetings held by EMS organizations or regulatory agencies. It is expected that the Ambulance Service shall serve on the Region IV EMS Council, representing Cook County.

Required Reports

The following reports shall be provided to the BOC on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis, as will be determined:

Bio spatial Data:

  • Response time compliance.
  • Total responses.
  • Total patient refusals.
  • Distribution of responses by time of day and day of week.
  • Summary of patient complaints (situation found).
  • Breakdown of ALS, Inter-hospital transfers and Intercept services.
  • Copies of any motor vehicle investigations involving an EMS vehicle owned by the Ambulance Service while on a 911 call originating in Cook County.
  • Mutual aid into or out of Cook County.
  • Total fuel used monthly.

Operational Data:

  • Financial statements regarding operations in Cook County.
  • Training of personnel in the use of an E-PCR system, as well as any other training related to EMS licensure.

Staffing Requirements and Employment Practices

Sufficient staffing levels of qualified Ambulance Services shall be maintained to ensure response times and required paramedic levels are met. The Ambulance Service shall also always provide adequate supervision of all personnel and operations.

At least two (2) ambulance crews will be always available for use in Cook. Each crew must include personnel necessary to staff (1) Advanced Life Support ambulance with a minimum of one person with a Paramedic license and one with an emergency medical technician license.

At least one (1) Ambulance 12/7 for transports.

In the event of scheduled medical transports from Cook by Ambulance Provider, one (1) ambulance must be physically located in Cook for emergency calls.

In the event all crews are tied up on E 9-1-1 Calls, a quick response vehicle shall be available staffed with Manager/Supervisor or other personnel qualified to E 9-1-1 calls. Seven days per week eight hours per day

The Ambulance Service shall participate with the BOC in a PSA campaign to inform residents of the new service in the lead up to the beginning of service.

Ambulance Fees and Guidance for Rate increases

The Ambulance Service shall be entitled to charge patients for the services rendered according to the patient fee schedules included and proposed by the Ambulance Service as part of this procurement process. The proposed rate schedule shall be in effect for the initial 12 months of operations and shall not be increased during this timeframe. The Ambulance Service may not deviate from or alter the established fee schedule without prior written authorization by the BOC. All emergency transport rates shall be based on the patient condition, or the services rendered.

The Ambulance Service shall provide as part of their proposal, a comprehensive rate schedule for all services, materials, medications, and other actions or items that may be billed to a patient during their treatment and transport. The contents and description of the ‘Proposed Rate Schedule” shall include, but not be limited to the following:

  • Whether a ‘bundled or unbundled” rate structure is being proposed.
  • Single base-rate charge and what items are included and excluded from the base charge.
  • If ‘unbundled’, a complete schedule of charges for medical supplies, equipment, procedures, or other services that may be charged to the patient.
  • Mileage rates.

The Ambulance Service shall conduct all billing and collection functions for the EMS system. The Ambulance Service may engage, at its sole expense, a third-party agent to provide EMS billing and collection services. The third-party service is required to comply with all rules imposed by the BOC on the Ambulance Service.


Section – Proposal Format


The Ambulance Service shall provide a brief understanding of the County’s needs and the Ambulance Service’s capability to perform the services described in this RFP. The Ambulance Service shall also provide a summary of their proposal, focusing on the highlights of their plan.
Respondents shall organize their submissions in such a way as to follow the general evaluation criteria as listed below:

Company Information

Provide all vital and accurate information relating to corporate information as registered with the State of Georgia and the federal government. Such information shall include at a minimum, but not limited to:

  • Company history- Years in business, nature of business, locations of business, location of headquarters, number of employees, nature of business plan (in relation to continued growth).
    Name of company as it appears on the Ambulance License.
  • Authorization to conduct business in Georgia (Ambulance License information),
  • Corporate Address/Mailing address,
  • FEIN and Corporate Identification,
  • Contact person for company, and,
  • Name and Title of person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of the company.

Operational Documents

  • Provide copies of the following documents:
  • A signed statement authorizing submission of the proposal.
  • Insurance coverage.
  • Ambulance Service’s proposed Policies and Procedures, ambulance equipment/inventory list, and proposed organizational structure and staffing levels.
  • Ambulance Service’s operating medical protocols.
  • Ambulance Service’s Infection Control Policy.

Provide a comprehensive rate schedule for all services, materials, medications and other actions or items that may be billed to a patient during their treatment and transport. (See Section 2, 2.8 for details)

Additional Considerations:

  1. Cook shall provide suitable quarters to Ambulance Services provider to house its personnel and equipment during the term hereof at no rental cost to provider. Services provider shall be responsible for its own utilities expense and other expenses incurred including cleaning and routine interior maintenance. Services provider shall be permitted to erect a sign, which meets all local legislation regarding size and placement, at the ambulance quarters signifying that location as an EMS Station. Such quarters shall not be changed or altered except upon 180 days written notice to Services provider.
  2. Cook shall provide all search, rescue, and extrication at no cost to Service provider.
  3. Cook County employees who are injured on the job and transported by Service provider, shall provide complete billing information for Workers Compensation Insurance and Service provider shall bill the WC Insurance Provider.
  4. The selected provider will purchase all fuel from the Cook County Fuel System.

Proposal for Ambulance Services for the Cook County Board of Commission will be received at the County Commission office at 1200 S. Hutchinson Ave., Adel, GA 31620 until 4:00 p.m. Friday, July 21, 2023.

The Cook County Board of Commission reserves the right to reject any proposals, waive any informalities, or award the contract in the best interest of Cook County, Georgia.


Appendix I

Response Data for Cook County

June 1, 2022, to June 1, 2023

Total Calls: 2950

Total transport number: 2126

SGMC: 887

Tift Regional/Southwell: 1131


Comments are closed.